Здравейте, казвам се Пенко Русев. Моят радиолюбителски инициал е LZ1MEN. С електроника се занимавам от 70 те години на миналия век. Първото ми постижение е да направя детекторен приемник от галенитов кристал и волфрамова нишка, за да слушам радиопредаванията на Българското Национално Радио.
В годините съм бил член на радио клуб LZ1KPG, след като започнах училище в АС Попов работих в LZ1KBU, в казармата на Българската армия стигнах до клас А по телеграфия – Морзова азбука.
My name is Penko Rusev, I was born in Bulgaria in September 1960 in the city of Aytos, I have been living in Sofia for many years.
I studied at the Technical College of Radio and Television in Sofia, I spent years as a student engineer at the Higher Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute, I graduated in acting at the Theater Academy of Bulgaria.
For many years I worked as an actor, TV presenter, director, screenwriter, producer. I have created more than 40 documentaries, feature films and series.
But as I got older, I decided to return to my first profession – an engineer.
In 2019, I regained my rights as a radio amateur with the initial:
DMR: 2840287
Now I work as a system administrator at the Sofia Court of Appeal.
My radio station is:
#True-2-slot: Provide 2-slot communication which allows for 2 talk paths on 1 frequency; ETSI DMR Tier I and II compliant #Power:VHF: 7/5/2.5/0.2W, UHF: 6/5/2.5/0.2W
#Auto-senses digital or analog reception
#4000 channels + VFO; 10,000 talk groups with 200,000 digital contacts
#Display: 1.77 inch TFT color LCD, dual display; dual standby; dual PA
#Bandwidth: 12.5K/25K (Analog); 12.5K (DMR)
#Fixed and defined CTCSS/DCS encode and decode
#DTMF/2TONE/5TONE encode and decode
#Four different Tone-pluse frequencies
#Individual/Group/All call
#Support Contact Manager
#Display the Caller ID and name
#SMS via keyboard, One touch call/text
#Zone selection; Ranging function between radios with GPS
#ANI function and PTT ID; VOX; Digital Recording and Play
#Roaming function; Talker alias function
#IP connect to Motorola Repeater
#Emergency alarm (with GPS data transmission)
#Either Voice Recording 500 hours(optional) or BT (optional)
#GPS with APRS location reporting(optional)
#AES256 Digital encrytion
#Earphone: KENWOOD connector; Waterproof: IP54
#Battery: 3100mAh Li-ion thick battery 2100mAh Polymer filmy battery(optional)
CAR radio Yaesu FTM-100DE
Features Yaesu FTM-100DE:
- Removeable display and control unit
- 160×40 dot matrix LC display, white
- 500 memory channels per VFO (A/B)
- Storage of setup and memories on SD card
- 1200/9600bps APRS
- Automatic Mode Selection
- Automatic Repeater Shift
- Wide band receiver 108-999 MHz, AM reception from 108 to 137 MHz
- Built-in GPS receiver
- In-/output of GPS data
- Smart Navigation
- Scanner functions
- Slot for one Micro-SD
- Real time clock (GPS based)
- Display of operation voltage